Parish Nursing

Last Sat, May 19, 2012, I attended a Seminar on Parish Nursing led by Helen Wordworth, RN from England. This is based on her power point.
What is health? In 1948, the World Health Organization states that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It does not address the spiritual aspect of man. What then is health from a Biblical view? Abigail Rian-Evans includes a spiritual dimension in “Redeeming Marketplace Medicine” (1999): Health is based on humankind as a unity; integrated wholeness, not separated physical and spiritual elements. It orients towards health as wholeness and sickness as brokenness. Its primary goal is the health of others, not only our own. It broadens healing to include any activity that moves us towards wholeness. Continue reading →